Cure your mate cup before first use to extend its shelf life.
How to cure a Mate Gourd / Calabaza?
- Wash the calabaza with hot water (not boiling).
- Fill it with humid yerba mate, add a bit of warm water so the yerba does not dry out and let it rest for 24 hours.
- Remove the yerba and with a spoon, scrape the interior to remove the skin, the membranes or fragments.
- Wash the calabaza and then fill it with paper towel. This will remove excess moisture, which can otherwise damage the calabaza.

- After 2-3 hours, remove the paper towel and let the calabaza air dry. Your mate is now ready to use! Take a look at our mate gourds / calabazas.

Ways for dealing with mould in your calabaza
Never wash your yerba mate gourd with soap.
- Rinse it with extremely hot water from the tap and make sure to scrape out any remaining residue.
- Place it in the sun or on a counter near an open window and allow it to fully dry. When mould appears, the best way to remove it from your calabaza is to allow it to fully dry. Mold cannot survive without moisture.
After use - maintenance
After use, empty the calabaza and make sure it is rinsed thoroughly. Then fill it with paper towel. This will remove excess moisture, which can otherwise damage the calabaza. After 2-3 hours, remove the paper towel and let your mate air dry.
How to cure a Wooden Mate?
- Smear the inside of the wooden mate with a layer of oil or butter to seal its pores and extend its life (the oil, butter or fat, will prevent the wood of the mate from breaking).
- Let it rest for 24 hours.
- Wash your mate with warm water, dry properly and repeat the process in step 1. Let it rest for another 24 hours.
- Wash your mate once more and dry it. Your mate is now ready to use! Take a look at our wooden mates.

How to cure a Guampa Mate (horns or hooves)?
- Soak the Guampa mate for 24 hours in water with detergent to eliminate the greasiness.
- Wash your mate and dry it. Your mate is now ready to use!
If you like to drink your mate bitter, your Guampa mate should only be used for this type of mate. If sugar is added to the mate cup, it will change its flavour forever.